Prototype 2 - Free Download (GamePC)

Prototype 2 Free PC Games Download

Free Prototype 2 pc games download, The main character ofPrototype 2 is James Heller, a man who blames the deaths of his family on Alex Mercer. After surviving a suicide mission and being transformed by the virus released by Alex Mercer, Heller is looking to kill Mercer, who acts as the game's main antagonist. Mercer's motives are unclear, but unlike the first game he is not committed to stopping the virus, but seems to be spreading it.

After the events of the first game, Manhattan recovered from the initial outbreak and everyone thought that the "Mercer Virus" was eradicated. 14 months afterPrototype, Manhattan has been quarantined again, due to a second outbreak, one far worse than the first one, and blocked off from the other boroughs of New York City, which has been renamed New York Zero (NYZ). The boroughs of New York have been divided into three zones, the Red, Yellow, and Green Zone. Each region stands for how affected New York City is by the Blacklight virus. Most boroughs of New York Zero have been infected. The Red Zone is Manhattan, home of Alex Mercer; in it the Blacklight virus grows unhindered. The Yellow Zone is a triage area full of shanty towns and the poor, it is very crowded and while the virus grows there, it is at a minimum and Blackwatch is using the Yellow Zone as a petri dish. The Green Zone is non-infected New York City, except there is a heavy Blackwatch presence. James Heller will have missions in each zone and each mission's difficulty will depend on which zone it takes place in. Blackwatch is credited as occupying and controlling NYZ, but they are said to know that New York actually belongs to Alex Mercer even though the latter is only seen rarely.


Prototipe 2 gratis pc game download, karakter utama dari Prototype 2 adalah James Heller, seorang pria yang menyalahkankematian keluarganya pada Alex Mercer. Setelah selamat dari misibunuh diri dan diubah oleh virus dirilis oleh Alex Mercer, Helleradalah mencari untuk membunuh Mercer, yang bertindak sebagaiantagonis utama permainan. Motif Mercer tidak jelas, tetapi tidak seperti pertandingan pertama ia tidak berkomitmen untukmenghentikan virus, tetapi tampaknya akan menyebarkannya.

Setelah peristiwa game pertama, Manhattan pulih dari wabah awal dan semua orang berpikir bahwa "Mercer Virus" itu diberantas. 14 bulan setelah Prototype, Manhattan telah dikarantina lagi, karenawabah kedua, satu jauh lebih buruk daripada yang pertama, dandiblokir dari distrik lain di New York City, yang telah diubah namanya New York Nol (NYZ). Distrik New York telah dibagi menjadi tiga zona, Zona Merah, Kuning, dan Hijau. Setiap daerahsingkatan bagaimana terkena New York City adalah oleh virusBlacklight. Borough paling Zero New York telah terinfeksi. ZonaMerah adalah Manhattan, rumah Alex Mercer, di dalamnya virusBlacklight tumbuh tanpa hambatan. Zona Kuning merupakan daerahtriase penuh kota-kota kumuh dan miskin, sangat ramai dansementara virus tumbuh di sana, itu adalah minimum danBlackwatch menggunakan Zona Kuning sebagai cawan petri. ZonaHijau adalah tidak terinfeksi New York City, kecuali ada kehadiranBlackwatch berat. James Heller akan memiliki misi di setiap zonadan kesulitan masing-masing misi akan tergantung pada zona itu terjadi masuk Blackwatch dikreditkan sebagai menduduki danmengontrol NYZ, tetapi mereka mengatakan tahu bahwa New Yorksebenarnya milik Alex Mercer meskipun yang terakhir ini hanya terlihat jarang.

System Rrequrtment

Intel CPU : Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66GHz
Nvidia Graphics Card : Geforce 7800 GS
Direct X9
Ram : 2 Gbs
AMD CPU : Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+
ATI & Intel Graphics Card : Radeon X1800 Series 256MB
Hard Disk Space : 8 Gbs



  1. gan link nya gmn tu ?? gk bisa di akses?? coba cek lagi gan...

    1. Uda Bisa Kok Gan....:) link nya uda di perbaiki..


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